Thinking about quitting dip, but don’t know what to expect? We have the answers that you’re looking for right here.

This section is full of information about what you can expect when you finally make the decision to quit chewing tobacco. We have information on withdrawal, the symptoms and even a timeline. If you have questions about something not covered in this section, head on over to our message boards. I am sure there are a few guys over there that would be willing to help out. Because that is what we do here, helps people quit dipping. We do this through making quitting more attainable, and providing support.

When you are on your own, quitting can seem so impossible. But when you have people you can look to who have already quit—and can show you the way—quitting becomes so much more tangible. If you think your ready to finally end this, head on over to our quit dipping forum.

Chewing Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms

Chewing Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms

Are you thinking about quitting—or recently just quit—and wondering what the withdrawal from quitting dip feels like? You're in the right place, we can help. What's The Suck? You have seen it all over this website and you are pro...
How Long Does Nicotine Withdrawal Last?

How Long Does Nicotine Withdrawal Last?

Wondering How Long Does Nicotine Withdrawal Last? You're in the right spot, we have all the answers to your questions. If your thinking about quitting, your probably asking yourself "How long does nicotine withdrawal last? Oh man,...
Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Have you been asking yourself what the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are? If you have, you are in the right place. We have the answers your looking for. What To Expect From The Symptoms Of Nicotine Withdrawal: We know all about...
Quit Dipping Timeline

Quit Dipping Timeline

If you're looking for a quit dipping timeline, your in the right place. This timeline covers the milestones throughout the first year of quitting chewing tobacco. When you quit dipping on your own, one of the biggest problems is that...
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TheQuit_org @QuitandStayQuit You have to understand YOUR triggers and how to avoid & deal with them, and be prepared with non-nicotine alternatives.
TheQuit_org @StopSmokingGlos Thanks for the follow! Anyone in the good fight against tobacco is a friend of ours! Thank you for all that you do!!