There’s no doubt at all that the harmful effects of chewing tobacco have been known for over a century, and its devastating effects on individuals, families and the societies in general are very scary and serious indeed. Despite this fact, tobacco products continue to cause the death of millions of people every single year, even in the most affluent. Quitting is hard because there is a list of withdrawal symptoms that are absolutely horrible. One of the worst is depression. Many quitters complain of feeling heavy-hearted, down in the dumps and downright gloomy when they are in the midst of quitting. If you’re experiencing this, know that it does pass. And that quitting is worth it in the long run.
Importance of Quitting Chewing Tobacco
Apart from being a leading cause of death and the development of mouth cancer, chewing tobacco impairs the functioning of one’s brain in a slow but sure way contributing to lesser and lesser productivity. Those who are already addicted, will also agree that chewing tobacco is a very expensive habit in the long run and it puts very significant deep holes in one’s pocket draining their finances with time. Frequent use of tobacco products have also been linked to the development of dangerous and hard-to-deal with diseases like hear disease, different kinds of cancer, strokes, increased risks of heart attacks and even sanitation problems. Upon quitting chewing tobacco, some of the immediate positive effects include but are not limited to: a heart rate that returns back to normal, restoration of a normal body temperature, elevated levels of oxygen in the blood and the chances of developing a heart attack, stroke or even cancers, decrease considerably.
Quitting Chewing Tobacco
Like any other habit, quitting chewing tobacco has proven to be quite a monumental task for many and some have not only struggled with this war, but also reported some depression while going through it. While the concept of depression can be quite a controversial one leading to many conclusions, it is a fact that all can agree that one can be depressed whether they are chewing tobacco or not. Therefore the level of depression that one gets by engaging in chewing tobacco or not, should be the starting point of any analysis that is bound to yield positive results. People get on the path of quitting chewing tobacco because they are uniquely depressed by its regular and constant use, which means that the benefits they derive from it are really short-term and robs them of the long-term benefits of enjoying life to its fullest.
Focusing on the Long-Term Benefits of Quitting Chewing Tobacco
There’s definitely bound to be some depression as one looses or fore-goes the short-term benefits of chewing tobacco especially in the very first days of weaning oneself from the habit. It is true however, that focusing on the long-term effects of quitting chewing tobacco for good, inspires one greatly to soldier on in their tobacco-free journey and provides the much-needed strength to deal with the depression. This result-oriented strategy has helped millions of addicts to quite not only chewing tobacco, but also other much more serious drugs or dangerous habits in life. Having this truth in the mind every time that depression knocks at the door while trying to quit chewing tobacco, will go along way to turn the depressive mood into joy and long-term success when one finally quits chewing tobacco and join the millions who have successfully managed to do so.