If you really want to know how to help someone quit chewing tobacco, there are some things that you need to know.
First, your loved one is an addict. I know that we keep going back to this all over this site, but acknowledging this is one of the biggest steps for someone when they quit. Do people quit without admitting that they are an addict? Of course. But admitting it makes quitting that much more feasible.
If your loved on doesn’t want to quit, they wont. You need to realize this. We all have heard stories or known someone that was a die hard nicotine user and took it to the grave. Even when it was the cigarettes or chewing tobacco that was killing them, they chose to keep using it. We have also heard the stories, I actually know someone personally, who was diagnosed with mouth cancer due to his chewing tobacco use, had it removed, and kept on chewing.
This is what nicotine does to people. It kills.
Another thing that you need to know is that negativity doesn’t work. If you want to really help someone make the decision, and then actually quit, you must be supportive. You cant force them to make any decision, but you can help them learn about their addiction. You can help them understand what this poison does to their bodies. You can show them pictures of cancer and guys with their faces filleted wide open during cancer surgery. This is what you can do, try to help them understand that they need to quit for their families, for their lives. But you will never nag, yell or pester an addict into quitting.