Getting started quitting is one of the simplest, yet hardest things you will ever do.
Are you ready to quit? Have you finally reached the point where you keep telling yourself that its time? Your in the right place, our getting started section of the site. We know what it takes to quit, and we know how to help you find the freedom that you have been looking for. Take a look around, and if your ready to get started head on over to our quit dipping forum.
What we do there is simple, but what sets us apart from other methods is that it works. Quitting alone can be done, don’t get me wrong. But you have a much higher chance of success if you quit with a support group. A group of people who know what you are going through, and can show you that quitting is actually attainable. I remember when I quit, all I kept thinking about was the whole forever thing. A community showed me that quitting was actually attainable, and that it could actually be done. Seeing that it was possible, made the difference for me. I wasn’t alone anymore.